Vision Keepers
The goal of Vision Keepers is to train future leaders of the Bread of Life Worship Church to keep the vision for the Kingdom as set forth by Jesus Christ and the Bread of Life Worship Church. Those who participate in Vision Keepers are committed to ensuring that the Bread of Life Worship Church does not lose focus. The foundational principles, mission, vision, and cause are repeatedly taught to the leaders to reduce the risks of straying into areas where God did not intend for the Bread of Life Worship Church to operate.
The themes given annually to the church are continually branded in the hearts of each member to encourage a single-minded approach to working in the Kingdom of God.
Taking Dominion
The leaders of the church are trained to seek those areas that do not have the gospel and develop strategies to bring the gospel into those areas. Hence, the leaders of the Bread of Life Worship Church are commanded to grow the church by going into uncharted territories to win the lost for Jesus Christ.
Make Disciples
The Bread of Life Worship Church understands that Jesus desired for the kingdom to grow by sending disciples to the uttermost parts of the earth. Therefore, the Apostle/Leaders of the Bread of Life Worship Church work directly with the theologians of the church to develop future disciples for Jesus Christ. It is not the goal of the Bread of Life Worship Church to become a mega-ministry. The growth model for this church encourages the development of new leaders and new churches. The Apostolic Ministry within the Bread of Life Worship Church sends forth new soldiers into the battlefield with all the sufficient armor and resources.